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Friday, November 20, 2009

OOTD: Toddler style - The tutu

As a parent, there are certain things that you learn.

1) Always check before going on an airplane that you actually have extra diapers and wipes. Otherwise you will have to MacGyver a feminine sanitary napkin into a makeshift diaper in the world's tiniest airplane bathroom at 35,000 feet. Just saying. What? You've never tried that? It is simply divine, dahhhling, simply divine!

2) M&Ms or popsicles can solve almost anything. Shots, long car rides, scraped knees...

3) Choose your battles wisely. Case in point - the Kid vs. DrDrama today. She wanted to wear her dress up tutu to school. I wanted her to wear jeans. You can guess by these pictures who won that particular battle. I certainly wasn't about to die on that hill for the sake of a frothy pink skirt. It simply ain't worth it.

It's kind of Cyndi Lauper meets Crewcuts catalog.

I sort of expect her to start doing the can-can.

She picked it out herself. Too much polka dot action for me, but what do I know?


Kelly Bourque said...

Too, too cute!

Amanda said...

I think it is perfectly adorable! If eleni had her way, she would go to school without pants (or a tutu)

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