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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord, Orgasbord, Orgasbord...

One of my all time favorite books is Charlotte's Web. I remember reading it in first grade (Mrs. McMinn's class, holla!) and being absolutely entranced by the description of rural life. The idea of animals being able to talk isn't too far removed from the overactive imagination of a six-year old girl, so I considered Fern and Charlotte and Wilbur and Templeton to be among my best friends that year.

I was (not surprisingly) always drawn to the scenes about the county fair - probably because of the descriptions of food. I know that it could kill you if eaten on a regular basis, but who doesn't love a sugary funnel cake, icy lemonade and ridiculous large turkey leg to chow down on every once in a while? I can imagine that in the days before YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and DVR, this would be a major source of entertainment for families in town. So in honor of one of my favorite books we made a trip to one of the local county fairs last weekend. Here are a few pics of the scenery.

Some poor person's child being flung into the air on a giant slingshot. At which my Kid starting screeching, "No, thank you! No, thank you!" Even in her distress, she is ever polite.

You are getting dizzy...

The ubiquitous Ferris wheel. Remember when Fern rode on the Ferris wheel with Henry Fussy? To my six-year old imagination, that was serious. Now, of course, Fern would probably be sending Henry Fussy some inappropriate pictures via text, so I am glad for the nostalgia of the original setting.

The not so ubiquitous camel. Not quite sure what he was doing there, but we sidestepped this exhibit pretty quickly, given the horrific stench that was emanating from the animal petting zoo area.

I got my funnel cake and corndog fix and we had a great evening!


Amanda said...

Mmmmm, funnel cake! One of my favorite rides at the fair.

Mommy, Esq. said...

I just stumbled upon your blog (via Chloe's) and I have to say that your "about me" section cracks me up! I'm an attorney and hubs is a resident...so, the bit about getting in line behind x, y and z hits home! Love it!

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

I love how The Kid is so polite! :) That's awesome. We hit up a local fair and tried Deep Fried Oreos for the first time... oy.

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