Under Construction - Blog Spring Cleaning version 2.0
So even though I didn't go to Blissdom, I feel like I have lived vicariously through people who did. One thing about visiting other people's blogs is that it makes you want to step up your game a little. There are some seriously cute and professional-looking blogs out there! I have no intention to start blogging more (I am lucky to do about 3-4 posts a week) because frankly my dears, life is too busy for me with the whole wife, mom, doctor, lady of leisure, etc. thing. But I am planning on spending the weekend sprucing some things up around here, so stay tuned. I just realized that I did this last year, too. Annual tradition, maybe?
Anyway, Blogger has some new features that is making it more user friendly (like Wordpress already is - but I am too lazy to make a huge move to another hosting domain). So if your Google Reader seems like it is freaking out with my feed or I seem to be posting spaz, I am just reorganizing, so ignore it!