I LOL'ed when you came up as the winner. The Kate Spade bag is yours. The universe is conspiring to have all of the world under my dominion!!!! *Insert Dr. Evil laugh from Austin Powers* Amanda's response was...
I am following (google) but I reserve the right to unfollow should it become annoying. :oP
One of the neatest places I have been was Turkey, but I would really like to visit Greece and Italy!
Amanda is one of my "Internet friends" who became a real-life friend from back in Pittsburgh and has been resisting becoming a follower, despite my not-so-obvious attempts to get her to do otherwise. She is probably even more sarcastic than I am and I lurrrrve her. I have most of Greece and Italy on my list of "places to travel to eventually", as well. I'll email you to get your mailing address.