Pre-2005: cheap clothes, cause I was pretty much making negative money.
2005-2006: normal work clothes
mid-2006-early 2007: maternity wear + post maternity wear (read: scrubs).
2007-2009: Get a job that requires me to wear scrubs 90% of the time at work. My last job consisted of me working in a hospital setting where scrubs were more or less the daily uniform. I didn't have to wear them, but man, it sure makes things easy when you only have your choice of light blue or navy. And while scrubs are comfortable, they sort of give you the false sense of size because a "small" or "medium" could sometimes fit an extra person, in there (or at least a generously sized toddler). All those take out meals from Jimmy John's catch up with you...
Early 2009: Panic because I realize that I will have an office job where scrubs are not acceptable and I need real clothes fast. Massive shopping spree for some basic "office wear" that can extend some of the basics that I already had - dresses, blouses, button downs, etc.
February 2010: Drop a bucketload at J.Crew updating some basic pieces. I have had some of my plain stuff for eons and it was time to jumpstart the wardrobe staples (like suits and pencil skirts) a little. I just keep telling myself, "these are classics and you will have them forever". I have had some of my J. Crew since pre-Y2K and they are still in great shape. On to the dressing room pics!
Nouvelle superfine cotton blazer and skirt, in navy
Random beige-y/gold t-shirt from the clearance rack
Haberdashery shirt and Minnie pant in black.
Minnie pants in black
Painted Poppy tee, on sale at my local store for $17, after discounts
I kept everything but the shoes and I am still happy with my purchases. It helps that I got some discounts!