We had plans for dinner (at least I had plans for us) when we got into town, but I was told to "be more spontaneous", which resulted in about 90 minutes of us driving around various neighborhoods around Buckhead and Emory University. Apparently, in our quest to find a decent place for dinner, my husband's Garmin GPS (mine is much better of course) suggested an establishment called "The Red Snapper". We inadvertently passed by the respectable, swanky neighborhood of Buckhead and into a far *ahem* seedier section of town. Let's just say that the number of neon lights and scantily clad ladies on the billboards was a little suspect. As we passed by the "Red Snapper" we quickly realized that the name must be a euphemism for something else. Not wanting the Kid to have to be looking for singles, we sped back into Buckhead and back to this restaurant that we had initially passed up, Fogo de Chao.
You know how you sometimes walk into a restaurant and you know just by the setting, ooh this is going to hurt the wallet... That is what happened to us at Fogo de Chao, a Brazilian churrascaria, or steakhouse. At that point, we were so hungry and it was so late we didn't care how much it was. After a couple caipirinhas (a Brazilian version of a mojito) and the cold food bar, life was good and the cuts of meat just kept on coming (rack of lamb, filet mignon, linguica...). Here is a picture of the Kid vs. the molten chocolate cake. If you are ever in Atlanta, I HIGHLY recommend this place as a splurge-y place for dinner.
Fish. Lots and lots of fish.
Then we went to the world of coke and took me back to childhood, with drinks like Mello Yello, Tab and Mr. Pibb. I think I drank about eight types of Fanta (my favorite I'm-in-a-third-world-and-can't-drink-the-water drink). The Kid was in HEAVEN and was running back and forth getting all of the forbidden high fructose corn syrup she could handle. If you only saw the wild-eyed look on her face at getting to finally drink this fizzy stuff that we always say she can't have. Wait, here's a picture...
...and another one...
...and another one...
Let's just say that there is a sugar rush in an adult and a sugar rush in a 3-foot tall toddler. She eventually started spinning around and jumping on the benches at which point we went to the car for a time out.
On our way out of town we went to the Dekalb Farmer's Market (a good place for lunch on a budget). For the Pittsburghers out there, it is like the entire Strip District under one roof. I picked up a few food souvenirs, which will be making an appearance in upcoming blog posts. I am such a food dork.
oh wow, I've always wanted to go to that aquarium! And for my local friends, for the record, I didn't actually have H1N1, but I was sick!
Glad you had fun in the A. You hit up some of my favorite places.
I love Mr. Pib! I actually once carried a case of it back home on a plane since you couldn't get it in da Burgh. And I'll note that restaurant for when we go to visit family in Hot Lanta... Dave loves those places and calls the local one the "meat, meat, and more meat" place.
The Dekalb Farmer's Market is the place I miss the most about Atlanta - I've never found anything like it anywhere else (if anyone knows of somewhere like it in Philly, let me know!). And the Georgia Aquarium is AWESOME! Glad you had fun in the ATL :)
Sorry to hear that you were sick. That's no fun!
So glad that you had fun in Atlanta! Should you visit again, I would be more than happy to recommend some other places to go/do/eat/see :). DeKalb Farmer's Market is amazing! I made a trip over there for lunch at least twice a week!!
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