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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You can tell our house is obsessed with the Olympics when...

...No one (including the Kid) is getting to bed earlier than 11 pm because of the gymnastics competition.

...We are afraid the next door neighbors may call the police for domestic disturbance when we are yelling and jumping up and down during a Michael Phelps race.

...I have changed all of the "favorites" on the TV to those stations covering the Beijing 2008 Olympics (NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, USA, Universal HD... the list goes on and on). I have also exceeded the capacity of the DVR memory by recording too many events.

...I will actually watch sports like boxing (which I normally detest) and equestrian matches.

...When I get blocked from browsing "Sports and Entertainment" on my work computer and try to find sneaky ways around it.

...When the Kid's most recently acquired vocabulary includes the words "awesome!" and "nice!" (apparently used repeatedly during the synchronized diving competition).

Hi my name is DrDrama and I am a Phelps Phan...


Unknown said...

the boss is jealous,she only gets to watch daytime preliminaries!

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

Many of these things are true in our house too. There is something magical about the Olympics.

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