We are working on table manners and learning how to set the table, etc. so I thought a more fun way to do it is to have a tea party when the Kid after I am done with work for the day and she gets home from preschool. I even bought special mini teacups and plates at our local HomeGoods store and we set up our mini IKEA table and chairs in the living room and have a snack.
Here is what we usually sometimes have on our menu:
- strawberries
- mini muffins or cupcakes
- cheese
- sandwiches, cut up into bite size pieces
- Drinks: vanilla milk, chai tea, tea punch or lemonade
Oh my gosh, such a cute idea to encourage the learning of table manners! I'll have to keep that one in mind for when I have kids!
Your daughter is BEYOND cuteness. Ugh!
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