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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rainbow Cake (or how to make Red Dye #40 look REALLY yummy)

So I am not usually one for insanely colored food unless it is in the form of fruits and vegetables, M&Ms or drinks that come with umbrellas. However, I stumbled across this cake on the HWTM blog and oh my...

There is something insanely appealing about this cake (and I mean insane). I think the psychedelic tie-dye colors sort of lull you into the sense that squirting a whole tube of gel food dye into cake batter is okay, heck it could be good for you. Then again, I drink Coke Zero like it is going out of style, so what do I know?

My only concern is that if I made a cake or cupcakes that looked like this, there may be kids (and adults) who are a little scared to eat it. I guess Funfetti cupcakes are a good, less pigmented backup. The full Rainbow Cake recipe is found on the Omnomicon site, but if and when I make this, we are going basic with just regular cake mix (minus the lo-cal additions that she posted). What do you think?


Chloe said...

Oh yum! And with a birthday coming up tomorrow (I LOVE BIRTHDAY CAKE!) my tummy is totally rumbling...

Annie and Greg said...

Wow! That just looks fun! Not that cake in pretty much any form isn't normally fun. I just might have to make this. And the more people it scares away, the more cake for me!

mandaA said...

Believe it or not, I just made this cake for my 3-year-old's birthday party Sunday which was at an art studio. It was a huge hit! I was worried about the taste, but there wasn't anything bad about it. I followed the method here: http://charmandwhimsy.typepad.com/supersue/2009/07/superduper-rainbow-cake-it-was-easy-tasty-and-glorious.html
Definitely recommend doing it...
Great blog!

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